Our Services

Residential Inspections

We offer you an honest, unbiased and thorough inspection that you can rely on to help you make this important decision. We use the Internachi Standards of Practice as our guide to inspect all the components listed below.

Drone Photography

We use Drone Aircraft to assist us when inspecting areas of the roof and chimney that would otherwise be inaccessible for inspection. We pilot the drone into positions that enable us to take great photos that help us evaluate the conditions of those areas so we can better inform our clients of any issues observed.  FAA Remote Pilot License # 4614706.

Drone Photography

Roofs, Vents, Flashing and TrimGutters and DownspoutsSkylight, Chimney, and other Roof PenetrationsDecks, Stoops, Porches, Walkways, and Railings
Eaves, Scoffits and FasciaGrading and DrainageBasement, Foundation and CrawlspaceWater Penetration and Foundatioin Movement
Heating SystemCooling SystemMain Water Shut-Off ValveWater Heating System
Interior Plumbing Fixtures and FaucetsDrainage Sump Pumps with Accessible FloatsElectrical Service Line and Meter BoxMain Disconnect and Service Amperage
Electrical Panel(s), Breakers and FusesGrounding and BondingGFCIs and AFCIsFireplace Damper Door and Hearth
Insulation and VentilationGarage Doors, Safety Sensors and OpenersAnd Much More!

Commercial Inspections

We offer commercial inspections utilizing the internachi Standards of Practice and deliver the report you need to help make a sound decision about your investment.

Mold Testing

Mold is everywhere! Some types of mold can be hazardous to your health.

We have teamed up with IMS Laboratories to analyze our mold test samples to give you peace of mind about the type and amount of mold present in your home so you can make sound choices about how to correct the problem.

Radon Testing

Radon is a radioactive gas which can enter the home through the foundation. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States only behind smoking! The EPA has established recommended levels for residences.

Our Radon test will record the levels present in your home and we will give you the results quickly so you can be assured of your and your family’s safety.

Radon Tester License Number: RT1656

Pest Inspections

Pests can lead to property damage, irritants in the environment, and many other problems. Let us help you tackle that early.

License Number: 155022

Water Quality Testing

Water contamination can lead to long term health problems. Let us protect you and your family.

Septic System Inspections

Your septic system is arguably the most important part of a building. Let us make sure it’s properly functioning.